Friday, May 26, 2023

It's Not Covid

 I woke up yesterday morning with a cold. Geoff's had one for a couple weeks. It is either that or allergies, we've been sleeping with the windows open so pollen is probably coming to visit. 

This feels like a classic spring cold. Sore throat, runny nose, lots of sneezing. My hope is it doesn't make a progression into coughing, chest congestion, annoyance beyond this level of annoyance. 

Geoff and I both took Covid tests, they are negative. Because Doug got Covid a second time, we thought we should just check and be sure. After all, a week or so ago we were at that there graduation, we could have picked anything up. 

I am a little bummed because we are going into the holiday weekend and my head feels like a balloon, my eyes are itchy and watering, I am sneezing and coughing, and just want to cuddle under a blanket. 

Since we work at home, I didn't plan on taking a sick day but, I kind of did. I told my team I was going to take a nap and it turned into a 3 hour one. Out cold for three hours. The only reason I got up was because I had to pee very much. 

I reconnected with my team, did work, felt like a zombie. Didn't get a lot done but one or two things I absolutely HAD to get done and had been procrastinating on. To be honest I just wanted to get back in bed and play Cats & Soup on my phone.

Anyway, what a great way to start a holiday weekend. But hey, it's not Covid.


exercise: 3/12 hours of 250 steps.  no dedicated 10 or even hitting the benchmarks because, power nap

blood glucose:

9:30am: 213 (taken after I ate, and after cold medicine, so this number is elevated and not what it would have been in the 8 am range if I had remembered to take it)
4pm: 247 what happens when you don't eat and you forget your lunch time medication... 
10pm: 148


coffee, water; iced coffee
9:00am: bowl of chicken salad
forgot to take metformin at lunch time because of a power nap
4:30pm: about 7 triscuits w/a ton of peanut butter
6pm: cheesesteak meat with mushrooms & onions, Metformin+Jardiance
10pm: lunchtime metformin

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