Sunday, June 18, 2023

All Bracelets All The Time

When I get on a roll with things, I get on a roll. Don't I? It took me a little while to get in the right headspace to do this, but I started making bracelets, and it is strangely addictive. 

I made some discoveries. 

  • The Round letters and the tiny beads (see the blue in between The and Ocean, and the ones on Careful) have very small holes. So small I can't thread a needle through them, so I just push the cord tip in and through. The tiny beads may just all become spacers. And that's just fine. The letters I'll use for sure.
  • The tiny beads are a bitch and a half to tie if I make a whole bracelet of them.  The bracelet starts to wrap around itself when I go to tie so I need that extra set of hands to hold them whilst I pull together the knot. Doug was very helpful on the 2 I made last night before I realized it was a stupid pain in the butt. Another reason for the wee ones to be spacers.
  • Sara will be here tomorrow, we both have the day off, so .... farts and craps, I mean, arts and crafts. We're on it.
  • The big ones are called Pony Beads, and hell if I shouldn'ta just bought them and not the wee ones. Duh. That's ok. We're learning.
  • "Big Friend" is too big. I miscounted the beads on it, and now I think I need to untie it, and remove 6 beads. Maybe. I also could hold on to it for a couple of the big humans who have bigger wrists than I have. Mine is a little bigger than most, so I hope all of these safely fit other humans.
  • I have a lot of beads. I mean, a lot. But I'm going to run out of certain letters. 
  • None of my 2 letter boxes came with number beads so I had to order those online, OTO 2023 and On The Ocean 2023 won't need the 4-9 numbers, I'll save those for something else someday. Oh. I could make Guster 1991. There's an idea. 
  • We bought some really nice sea colors funky shaped beads so I may just make some pretty no-letter bracelets. That seems to be a thing and people may like that. Maybe. 
  • I'm going to run out of string stuff. 

The Lobster Necklaces are on hold because now I'm obsessed with these. 

It's Father's Day, Doug didn't want to do anything "official" but he took a long walk, and then cut his hair, showered, and went in to take a nap. I kind of wanted to go up to the brewery we like in Frederick and chill and look at plants in the farm stand but. They close at 5, and he knew that, so we didn't go because nap.

That's okay. I worked on making more bracelets! Here's a picture from last night's 6 bracelets. I made a spreadsheet and if I make 2 of each thing on the list (not counting a couple special requests) I'll have like 300 bracelets. They have a lot of songs that work as bead titles. 

After dinner, I took a pokemon walk, a little longer than usual. Since Doug took his walk earlier in the day he wasn't interested in joining me. It was hot earlier today so I didn't want to go with him, but at about 8pm it was perfect and beautiful.  

I went a longer way than my usual "Dedicated 10". About a mile round trip I think, maybe a little shorter because I cut a corner. There were fireflies and bunnies, and I had a really nice time. I usually 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. Dedicated 10+20or so

blood glucose:

9am: 141
4:45pm: 153
10pm: 162


coffee, water
11am: 2 left over chicken thighs w/ hummus and tomatoes (pretend that's a mezze Mediterranean plate)
11:45: metformin
2pm: macintosh apple+peanut butter
5pm: spaghetti (not a lot) and meat sauce (a ton)
6pm: metformin+jardiance
10:30pm: some pretzels and portwine cheese

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