Wednesday, November 01, 2023

I will buy you a new pancreas perfect shiny and new

Last night I went to bed without checking the forecast, and didn't realize we were under a freeze warning.

So, I didn't turn on the heat. I woke up around 3am, freezing my ass off. So ... I reached over to the pile of stuff on the floor under the table by my bed, in the dark, and managed to locate a blanket. I didn't bother trying to turn on the heat because I'd have to get out of my bed! But this morning it was 57 degrees in the house. Thermostat ON!

Dang. That's cold. Not used to that! The boy said he also got out his blankets last night - his room isn't on the heating system, so he keeps his door open so heat will come his way. He wasn't sure where he put his space heater when summer came, so it feels like we've got some work to do to get ready for the cold. 

And it'll be 70 something on Saturday and Sunday. Of course.

But we will be prepared. As they say, Winter is Coming. 

I did take a walk this afternoon. I had my 1:1 with my manager at 4pm, and then put dinner in the oven at 5 and it needed an hour to bake, so I and decided to walk. Should have worn a warmer sweatshirt because it was actually windy and a little uncomfortable, but I got a good amount of walking in for about 15+ minutes. 

You walk faster and harder when you're cold. Especially when you have become southern and are not acclimated to this nonsense this early in the year. 

Doug just messaged me that his mom's surgery recovery is ongoing. He bought her a gift at the gift shop. It's a pancreas. They sell stuffed organs at the gift shop. So he wanted to give her a cute new one. Now, I am not sure how she reacted, but I can hear Doug laughing his ass off as he's buying this. And laughing every time he looks at it. And to be honest, I'm laughing too. 

We're made for each other. I know.

Here's the pancreas. If you tell me it does not amuse you, I will tell you that you have no soul.


exercise 12/12 hours of 250 steps. Dedicated 15. Man it was cold out.

blood glucose:

8:45am: 190
5pm: 188
10pm: 174


coffee, water
11am: toasted 647 english muffin w/ pb & low sugar jelly; metformin
1pm: 2 good yogurt
6pm: 2 nice sized slices of quiche (sausage, goat cheese, spinach), white wine
7pm: aforementioned Kit Kat bar
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
8:30pm: a 100,000 dollar bar; 2 twix bars, luckily the "fun" size is so small. So small. 
9:30: 2 reeses peanut butter cups 


  1. Eliz / Rockport4:18 PM

    A friend went to the hospital with MERSA once and not really having a clue about it, I just searched on MERSA at Amazon and was able to buy a plush one! Totally the best gift ever!

    1. That is HILARIOUS! I forget the plushie that Jess got a long time ago, maybe it was ebola? Can't remember. They've got 'em out there! Glad you were able to get a MERSA for your friend!
