Monday, December 19, 2022

A Monday Surprise

Monday mornings usually start with me watering all the friends. I do the table next to me first, everyone gets carried to the sink and gets a nice soak. 

I then do the spiders. They fill the sink, and I soak them and leave them to rest for a while. The two big snake plants in the big pots go next, and then I go to the window sill where the lone single solitary snake in a pot sits beside the thriving ZZ  plant. It's been about 6 months since I put it in the pot with some expectations. Noting that it was not dying, or wilting, or suffering, it gave me great hope that even if this would be a forever alone snake, well, that'd be the fate of it. 

The morning sunlight coming through the window illuminated a wee sprout showed it was coming up. Snake plants send out runners and tubers and then they grow upward, so, we have ... a pup! 

Look at that wee baby in the sunlight! Such joy on a Monday morning. Yay, puppy! Grow and be beautiful!

I'm feeling much better today after the absolute blah of yesterday. I went to bed slightly earlier than normal (well, went to bed but didn't fall asleep, is how that should read). My dog was getting antsy at about 10pm. He knows when it is time for us to get ready to get in bed. And even after a whole week, he is still looking for Doug. 

It made me think of how people need to be careful out in the world so they can come home to their pets, who will miss them. A lot. 

Phin was relieved when I got in bed (finally, woman. jeeeeze!) and I played with my phone until I was ready to fall asleep. I had to get up early this morning because the contractor was coming to replace the wired smoke detector in the basement. He was here at 8:15, I was showered, dressed, up and ready. Very unlike me to be that bright and bon vivant at such an early hour. 

Today was a busy day, but not like the past couple of weeks. I had a couple good meetings, made some progress with tickets. I realized that none of the food I had was ready for eating - I split a lot of things up into smaller batches and froze a bunch of stuff. I had a half bag of shrimp but that's what I had last night for dinner so I wasn't super wanting that. I ordered delivery and then chatted with Linda. 

Doug texted me around 7:45 our time (6:45 theirs) with a picture of Geoff, soaking wet from their walk in the rain from their hotel to the D.B.A. bar. He said the hotel was adorably shabby chic, and everyone there had dogs, except for him and Geoff. He then sent me a picture from Brieux Carre, down the street, a favorite micro brewery from our visit in May/June this year. 

Not sure how long they're staying there in New Orleans, I think they're leaving Wednesday? Rumor has it we're expecting some serious weather coming this way on Thursday and Friday, so I'm hoping they'll take their time and take it slow coming north. Doug wanted to stay west of Atlanta, and come up through Knoxville, so hopefully that'll work out. 

I'll find out tomorrow. But here's the festive shot he sent me. Merry Beermas. 

Digits below. 


exercise: Dedicated 10+12.
"heart zone" on fitbit: 40 minutes. I'll write about what that means another day.

blood glucose:
8am: 177
5pm: 175
9:45pm: 143

coffee, water
12:45pm: BLT Salad, metformin
6pm: Buffalo Wings from Wingstop; wine
7:30pm: Metformin+jardiance
8:30pm the rest of the buffalo wings (let's say 20 total) 
9:30: some cookie dough (I'm baking again)

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