Saturday, December 17, 2022

Getting things done

Round 2 of cookie decorating today. This time, Henry wanted to cut and bake the cookies. Sara's back hurt her, so Hen and I went at it with fresh dough and cookie cutters.   

This morning, I woke up on my own at 7, and Phin realized I had gotten out of bed (I went to the bathroom), so I let him out and encouraged him back into bed with me. He seemed confused. But he eventually agreed. He let me sleep until about 8:45. It's like he knows when I am supposed to be up "in real life" during the weekdays. So we got to doing things, were super busy, and then we took a nap at 4pm. 

Our table is set and ready to go, I'm just waiting for them to arrive.

 I'm going to reorganize just a little so we have a spot to eat. I'll preheat the oven when they get here so we can get those cut outs rolled and baked! 

I was going to just dip all the trees in green and get them covered, but we won't have anything to color while things bake. I also need to think about where things will cool off if I'm using the racks to raise cookies up? 

I've got time to figure it out. We won't be baking until 8pm I don't think. 

They arrived around 7:30 and we had a blast. I wish I took pictures of henry rolling dough, but for the most part we were so busy we didn't get to snap pics.

Update on the boys, they arrived in Memphis around 11pm ET (10pm local). Doug said they were going to check in the hotel, grab a bite and a beer and call it a day. It was a long day yesterday, full of a cave, and a stop in Nashville and a lot of driving. 

I asked Doug last night if they were going to Graceland and he said no, but yes they'd be going to the Memphis Rock 'n Soul museum. I do declare is own father would be angry with the decision to do one and not the other. Why not both! He told me in a text last night that it was very cold, so they probably weren't going to walk over the pedestrian bridge to Arkansas but you better believe they'll drive over there. 

Gotta say they went west of the Mississippi. 

Last night I was chatting with my buddy Rob, who used to live near Lexington and worked at UK. He was saying 'on paper, 3 hours looks easy but there's a wad of nothing between some things and it gets desolate out there, and takes longer than 3 hours when it comes down to it." Everything I told him that the boys were up to he was all "YEAH BABY, THAT'S THE BEST!" and he said it made him miss Lexington a bit, even if he hated it there. 

He started singing Paul Simon's "Graceland" when we were talking about Memphis, and I started in with "Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn. We had a little Memphis song list going, like Johnny Rivers/Chuck Berry's "Memphis" (the song where he asks the operator to try and help him get connected with Sweet Marie, who lives a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge and it turns out Marie is six years old and is his little girl). "Memphis in the Meantime" from John Hiatt, and Dylan's "Stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again." 

We had fun going through what we could think of. Any songs you want to share?'  

Chores done today:

  • Bathroom: 
    • Took the bath mat out of the tub and soaked it in bleach
    • Took the shower curtain liner down, same as above
    • Cleaned the toilet
    • Cleaned the sink
    • Took the bathroom rug down and washed it (with Geoff's to keep the washer balanced)
  • Christmas things:
    • Brought the wee tree upstairs
    • Took out the wee angel ornaments to put around it like they're singing and stuff
    • Found the rest of our christmas ornaments, brought them upstairs to think about
    • Found the lights, brought them upstairs
  • Cookie prep:
    • One bowl of double batch sugar cookie dough baked up and split into 4 lumps to chill.
    • Decorating utensils washed, dried, ready
    • Piled up the already decorated cookies and set aside. Henry gets to bring 12 home with him after today

Pictures then digits.  Sara and Henry were my expected guests but Sean came too and we had had a laugh riot. 

And here's Geoff on Beale Street. "Walking with his feet ten feet off of Beale..."


exercise: still need to figure out the new fitbit. I know I had to have hit dedicated 10 plus something? The fitbit says active zone minutes is 338, which is ??? a lot? But before Sara arrived, I did my usual walk around the house for dedicated 10+about 7? 

blood glucose:
5:30pm: 180
11pm: 273 (thanks pad thai and sugar cookie decorating!)

coffee, water
10:30am: 2 good yogurt
12:45pm: pbj in 5 net carb wrap; metformin
4pm: baby bell cheddar cheese circle
6:45pm: metformin+jardiance. tom kah soup (the delivery arrived and i jumped in)
8pm: pad thai (lots of carbs, i know)
throughout the evening, lots of sugar+wine
11pm: more pad thai (sorry)

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