Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Halfway Done

Today, I did some of the things on my to-do list work related, and some not work related. I closed tickets. I set up content sharing partnerships between 5 stations, awesome. A great delay on sitting down to do that. A big relief to have that done. 

Geoff went to the market because we wanted to make Chicken Marsala, but there was no heavy cream (and then he went to the liquor store and didn't buy Marsala wine, so, we'll have to try that again). We had stuff though for Beef Stroganoff, and we made that together. Geoff loves to cook, so I can give him instructions, and then show him how to do things like the roux with the sour cream, Worcestershire sauce and beef stock to build the sauce. It was relatively early, so we got things set right up to the part where we'd make the sauce, and we set it all aside. Doug was napping, and I didn't want to disturb him and do my "dedicated 10" so I came up with the next plan. 

I went to the basement and got all of the boxes I've been storing up for the past year. Rebuilt them because I'd collapsed them down to save space, and I packed up some of the cookies, put a card in for each of the recipients, got a label made for each. I have 7 more bags to pack up, and some of the boxes are way too big. 

I may have to do a run to the post office in the morning, buy more boxes, and then finish packing up. I had hoped to have enough smol boxen. But .... hey. it's okay. At least I had a bunch!

The picture below is success, even if only part way done. So help me God these cookies are going OUT!

Digits below.



blood glucose:
9:30am: 151
5:30pm: 168
10pm: 195

coffee, water
11am: leftover ham on white 647 bread with Mayo
12 noon: Metformin; 6 mini-pretzels with hummus (to get the last of the hummus out of the fridge)
3pm: apple with peanut butter
6pm: beef stroganoff with mushrooms, onions, over egg noodles; wine
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: Cheese & crackers; a couple scoops of whipped topping just to get the container 99.999% empty to give the dog. 
9pm: protein shake

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