Friday, December 16, 2022

If his nose wasn't red he wouldn't have PURPOSE!

Update: I got the smoke detector down off the ceiling, removed the battery. Damn if that wasn't a pain in my ample ass. 

I promised cookie pictures. Last night at 11:30pm when I was getting ready to post the entry I realized how late it was so I just threw it up there to make it in. whew. 

Not sure who had the most fun, Henry or Sara. Sara got really into decorating the gingerbread shaped people - I always like to make reindeer of them. I have always felt that the M&M eyes are too big if you make them people but the score this year was buying the sugar eyeballs. Game. Changer. y'all. 

Henry liked making colors. He really got into putting the gel colors into the white royal icing. at one point he added some of the dark brown I'd made to the yellow and HATED it. 

"How can I go back to the yellow again?!" he asked.

"Oh honey, you can't. You added all that dark brown to it and now you can't undo it."

He was mad, and asked me if we could take the plain white icing I had that I was using as "glue" to put things on the cookies, and add yellow to that. I told him that we then would not have any white.

"But you can make more white," he said.

"No Hen, I don't have any more sugar," I replied. Please note, I used an entire one pound bag of confectioners sugar to make all the colors we had. 

He was disappointed, but he got it. 

We still had a ton of cookies to decorate by the end of two hours. He lost interest and began running around my house, and Sara was utterly fixated on making gingerbread men "masterpieces," so we called it a night after a while. 

I think she and Hen are coming over tomorrow to finish. I think I'm baking more gingerbread man shapes. 

My favorite thing is to use the gingerbread man shape and I turn it over and it can be decorated as a reindeer. I use the red m&ms as its nose (for Rudolph) and I make brown icing so I can color in the antlers. 

Last night I started to show Henry how this is done, and I heard Sara gasp as she realized what I was making. I had just put the nose on, no eyes yet, and was painting in the antlers. 

I asked him what he thought it was starting to look like and he wasn't sure. Then he said "those are antlers. That's a reindeer. It's Rudolph!" and both Sara and I were completely overjoyed that he got it. I added on the blue m&ms for eyes and put a dot in each one, but the eyeball option sure is awesome. 

Henry was thrilled and he yelled "If his nose wasn't red, he wouldn't have PURPOSE!" 

Both Sara and I almost literally died. Indeed. If his nose was not red, yes. Yes, Henry. Oh my gosh the things this kid says. I love him. 


I took a half day today and logged off at like 2 but chatted with my work bestie for an hour or so. She gave me a video tour of the wonderful house she and her husband just bought. If Phin could be trusted solo, I'd go up there to help her decorate for Christmas. And then I remembered I should decorate my own house for Christmas. 

The boys are in Tennessee tonight. Geoff texted me at 6 saying they were arriving in Nashville (5pm their time I think) and they were going to have dinner, and then it was about 3 hours to Memphis. My friend Rob and I talked tonight and he said "Yeah, 3 hours through Tennessee feels like 6 anywhere else, friend." 

I feel like I should call the hotel and guarantee late arrival for them. 

 I have thoughts and feelings when I look at me and Henry in these pictures. 

And I mean this in NO shade to either of my kids. 

But I'd make a great wonderful grandma. 

I really would. It makes me a little wistful, because I remember how ANGRY Doug's mom was when we called her to tell her we were having a baby in 1991. She wasn't "ready" to be a grandmother. But honestly, what a joy it is to spend time with someone like Hen. He loves me, and we have SUCH a good time together. I just think of what it would be like to be someone's Nonni or something.  A Mormor, Nana. Whatever. 

I'm super happy I have friends with Littles. My work bestie's son is about 5.5 and he calls me Auntie. Feels the same. And I just love how I have so much fun with Henry. So I can be his whatever. Very glad to have them in my life. 


exercise: new fitbit! It measures things weirdly and I have to figure it out. It told me I have had 56 "zone" minutes today, whatever that is, but I think I got Dedicated 10+16 for walking in the house as a "Brisk Walk" and the rest of it is "moderate movement," meaning I was up off my ass? Maybe. So I have to figure this out, how it records things. Because ain't no way I did 56 minutes of much.

blood glucose:
9:30am: 196
5pm: 221*
9pm: 147

coffee, water
10:30am: protein shake
1:30pm: turkey, muenster, hummus on a 5 net carb wrap; metformin Forgot my meds at lunchtime even though I set them out. See 5pm reading above. 
7:30pm: Roast chicken, carrots, mashed cauliflower. definitely metformin+jardiance


  1. Eliz / Rockport3:14 PM

    Where's a pic of your reindeer?

  2. I will be sure to take a picture of one!
