Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tickets Procured

 It's weird. My fitbit died, and won't take a charge, so I have not worn it since Tuesday afternoon. I keep thinking I'll check the app, see how many steps I got this hour. Is it 10 minutes before the top of the hour? Why isn't it going zzzztz zzzztz buzz to remind me to get off my butt? How many hours did I sleep? How many times did I wake up or was restless?

How am I living without this on my wrist! What is my life! 

Anyway. I ordered a replacement last week, allegedly was supposed to arrive today but no. It did not arrive. 

I had a super busy day, including a Guster ticket purchase-a-thon. I got tickets for Philadelphia, Orlando, and Ft. Lauderdale. After the 2nd purchase my credit card sent me message about fraud protection and asked me to submit a code to the purchase site. 

Linda got us Huntington NY, and got our hotel. 

We're working out our travel plans now. But for tonight, we at least know where we are going! 

Alright. Big busy day tomorrow and then the busy time is over. Maintenance mode starts. 

Here's a picture of my dog. Being pathetic while I work.



blood glucose:
8:30am: 129
5pm: 159
9:45pm: 175

coffee, water
10:30am: tollhouse cookie
11:30am: 2 bowls of chicken salad (leftover chicken thighs)
12:30pm: Metformin
3pm: protein shake
5:30pm: small container of leftover chili w/ grated cheddar cheese
9pm: metformin+jardiance (i was distracted and forgot to take meds after dinner)
9:15: 3 slices of turkey+hummus
glass of wine

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