Friday, December 16, 2022

New Fitbit and New Scale

So, the ongoing saga of my fitbit continues. 

I had complained at fitbit support last week that my wee Flex 2 came apart at the seams. Their support folks emailed me through Twitter, and gave me a 35% off coupon for a new one. I said cool. But shopping on their site showed me that my preferred device was discontinued. 

I could buy one from some rando company for twice what I paid for the first one when I bought it in 2014 (hell no, and also no because I couldn't use the 35% discount at some rando electronics store in Japan).  I did the mental math on getting one of the 3 styles of trackers they sell now, and came to the Inspire 3 as my option. 

I put it in my cart and also decided, what the hell. I'll buy a new scale too. The one we have is old and stupid and always says I weigh 10 pounds more than I really do, so screw that guy. I'll get a new one. Bout time!

Placing the order, I put my discount code in, and it seemed to be accepted. But. When I checked out the discount was not applied.  Huh.

After 20 or so minutes of trying to figure out what to do, I got the online support agent chat thing going. I explained the situation.

They said "You didn't get the discount on the tracker because you put two items in your cart. And you can't apply the discount to both items." 

I said I didn't expect that to be the case, I figured the discount would be applied to the tracker and not the scale, which was an impulse buy.  They should be happy I made an additional purchase. So. Dude. Just apply the discount to the tracker and it's cool. 

They told me they couldn't do that, because it had already been processed. 

I said why didn't the website stop me, or say something in big red text to let me know. Because I would have removed the scale from the order if it told me anything, anything at all. They said it doesn't work that way. I should have just known. 

Oh. Okay. So I can read your website's mind. Got it. 

So cancel the order then, please. I'll start again, or hey. Maybe I'll just not buy another one of your products and go find something else because to be honest, all the trackers are too big, and I don't like them. And I don't really like the thing I picked. I only was buying it for the 35% discount. I really liked the Flex 2. Let's just pretend this all didn't happen, okay?

"Oh, we can't cancel it. It's already in process and has been put out to ship. You can't cancel it. You can return it when it gets to you and we'll give you a refund." 

But. How about you just apply the 35% discount to the tracker and credit my credit card or something... 

"No. We can't do that either." 

So. Fuck it.

If anyone I know wants a fitbit I have a 35% discount code. I'll buy your fitbit for you. My device arrived, it works alright, and I charged it and it has my first day's worth of data in it. I guess it's mine now. 
This device is going to take some getting used to, I think. It has some bells, whistles, features that the old one didn't have, and it says it can read my O2 levels, but I haven't seen that show up. I can add alarms and timers. When I go to exercise, take my little walks around the house, I can set the exercise timer to remind me to get up and move around. The default on the new device is 5 hours a day but I had it set to 10 hours previously so I have to futz with it to get it to show. It can sync with my glucose monitor, but that isn't on bluetooth so no. And, it can sync to my brand new scale too, but again, I have to do some deep dive figuring things out. 

The scale says as of this afternoon I'm 207.6 so that's good. Better than the 209 the other day at the doctor's office. And I'm gunning for you 199. 

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