Sunday, December 11, 2022

Asleep and Alone

Last night I went to bed at 11. Dog was kind of confused. I let him outside, brushed my teeth* , took my bedtime medicines, fixed all the blankets and sheets because they were tossed about everywhere while Doug was organizing and packing (that's his style). 

Phin stood at the bedroom door and looked around for Doug. There's only one human here? What is going on? Where is the other? He walked around, went to the kitchen, went down the stairs. Came back up. I was sitting on the side of the bed waiting for him as he came back to the door. I encouraged him to jump up but he was not convinced it was okay. He looked in the guest room, looked in the bathroom, back to the living room. Finally came to me and jumped in bed.

I wonder if he does this when I'm not here. Or is this just for Doug?

I know buddy - you're used to the two humans and bedtime is your favorite time to be with us both. 

He is not a cuddle dog. He doesn't really like being patted. I was just petting him on the head here and he got up and walked away. 

He flopped happily by my side and I did get to pat him a little. He sometimes will lick my arm while I'm patting him and I interpret that as kisses and affection. That's about as affectionate as this bean gets. I didn't do it too long last night, just enough to assure him, and rolled over to assume the position. I played my games, and he stood up and walked in circles, and flopped down where he usually starts the night - behind my legs. 

There's a whole lotta bed here, dude. Without Doug, you can spread out. 

At some point he figured that out. I rolled over and his back was by my face, his head on Doug's pillow. My nose meeting dog fur. 

I slept very comfortably. Our box spring needs to go. It is wooden and creaks whenever either of us roll over, so we wake each other up a lot. One of us usually ends up all the way awake and goes to the guest room. 

It's usually me as of late. 

But I slept the whole way through the night (with only one wake up to pee time). Phin slept until almost 7. I let him out, filled his dish, went to pee myself, let him back in, we both got back in bed. 7 was too early to be up. 

We slept again until 10:30. Bliss. 

I took my blood sugar and it was still higher than I like, so I quickly ate a yogurt and got the coffee going. 

It's funny, I bought all this food and do not feel like making it. At all. I hope I use it all or get a bunch of decisions made to put things into the freezer. There's a lot. When I don't have 2 other people to cook for, or 2 other people to cook for me, it is annoying.

I put the m&ms in a ziplock bag and put them in the cabinet to save for when it is time to decorate cookies. Here's to a lower blood sugar day. 

Speaking of blood sugar the m&ms are for cookies, I'm going to have Sara and Henry over on Wednesday night to decorate. So I need to have a billion cookies baked. Today, so far, I've cleared off the counter and got the recipe out. 

Tomorrow morning, I have a contractor coming to do work on the basement, to replace the ceiling in the bathroom where we had to pull down to expose where the leak was. The silicone they did in our upstairs shower seems to be holding up nicely. He mentioned coming to retile the shower up here completely, and I actually feel like I don't want that to happen if this silicone thing is working out. I'll be without a shower for a couple days. I hate Geoff's shower, and it also needs some work, so I would rather he fix that one.

* Something I noticed last night, is Doug packed our full tube of toothpaste that we just cracked open and took it with him. I eeked the last bit out of our current tube in order to go to bed with brushed teeths.... This morning, I went to the hall closet to seek out another tube. We have to have something. Nope. Nothing. Not even Dentist Office "here you go for brushing your teeth, keep it up!" sized.  No travel sizes. Nothing in my backpack from recent travels. I went to Geoff's bathroom to steal his, but he packed and brought his, too. Both of them are traveling together, and have 2 giant full tubes of toothpaste. Jerks.

I may have to .... go to the store. I just went to the store. Had I known, I would have gotten some. I hope they enjoy all their toothpaste out there in the world. 

It is pouring out - and I can see snowflakes mixed in. Cold enough that this could turn into actual weather. I do not relish getting in the car. Or setting up the kennel for the dog. Wonder if he'll sit in the car nice while I run into a store, or rip it to shreds and freak out? Maybe I make a sign that says don't steal my dog if he's barking? I don't know. 

I started my cookie baking process. As the kids say, "back on my bullshit" for this season's fun. This time of year, my kitchen is the cleanest it will be, and my hands the filthiest. Worth it. Digits below.


exercise: Dedicated 10+12

blood glucose:
10:30am: 199
4pm: 167
10:30pm: 140

coffee, water
10:30am: 2 good yogurt (3 grams of carbs, I thought it was 2! maybe just the lemon is 3.) 
1pm: 3 egg omelet w/ sliced leftover italian sausage, cheddar cheese. Metformin.
4pm: red wine (while mixing cookie dough. naturally)
6pm: chicken parm (1 chix breast, butterflied, sauce & mozz)
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
9:30pm: hummus & crackers (about 10 crackers and a bunch of hummus)

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